Bhaktapur, previously known as Bhadgaon is entitled the ‘City of Temples’. It is said that there are more than seventy-nine festive events celebrated here over seventy-five days. Because most of the people here are Newars, all these festivals are based on their own culture. Let us check out some of them.
Biska: Jatra, or Bisket Jatra coincides with the Newari New Year around the month of April. It is a festival of crowds, noise, and celebration that brings everyone out in the streets. The major aim of celebrating this festival is to bring the city welfare and fertility for the coming year. They do so by mating Lord Bhairav with Goddess Bhadrakali. The former represents the sky and the rain, while the latter represents the earth. These two must be brought together for the prosperity of the city. The statue of Lord Bhairav is installed inside a massive chariot(rath) that is built every year in the Taumadhi Square and his vehicle Lord Vetal is attached to the tongue in front. There is a massive competition between men of the upper area and the men of the lower area. It amazingly finds its way to the steep streets to where it meets the Goddess Bhadrakali. It is regarded as a very violent festival and there are polices every year to manage the huge crowd.
Mohani, a Newari word for Dashain is known as the victory of good over evil. It is celebrated during the month of September/October for over a span of ten days. While Dashain is significantly celebrated for the victory of Goddess Durga, here, it is celebrated for the empowerment of Navadurga through Taleju Bhawani. Different Guthis here in Bhaktapur make groups and visit the respective temples on each evening for nine days by playing musical instruments.
Sunti or Tihar in Bhaktapur is celebrated as the festival of lights just like in the rest of the country. But, it is the fourth day of the festival that it is really important. It is Mha Pooja, meaning worshipping one’s own body. On this day, every person takes a bath and worship their own bodies. On this very day is the New Year of the Newars as initiated by Shankhadhar Sakhwa, which is also known as Nhugu Da.
Digu Pooja
It is a festival celebrated to show honour to the patriarchal lineage deity, Digu Dya. It falls around April, and every year families gather in their own specific deity of Digu Dya and perform sacrifices and have feasts.
Sa: Paru
Sa: Paru or Gaijatra falls in the month of July. It is a festival to show honor to the deceased ones in the past year by the respective families. It was initiated by a Malla King, Pratap Malla who was concerned about his wife who was mourning for the death of their son. He decided to cheer her up through comic activities which also means never to mourn long for the deceased ones. Every year in Bhaktapur, there is music and the stick dance where the families of the deceased ones move around the city.
Gatha Mugha Chare
It is also one of the noisiest festival where people make a straw monster known as Ghantakarna in every locality and burn it occasionally. It is done in order to mark the death of this monster.